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New member HELP

Posted: Sat 31 Mar 2018, 19:22
by Pedro Sousa

I am a 4rth generation MX 5 RF owner and I would like to become member of the Club to start racing. Im looking for a used MX5 (first or second generation) to compete, however I have some questions that I would like someone to help me.
While I dont have the "spec MX 5" can I compete with the 4rth generation RF? If yes what do I need to start with? (racing Licence, equipment, car upgrades, tires , brakes..?). Which costs per race am I expected to have?
Should I wait instead and buy a NA, NB and go from there?

Re: New member HELP

Posted: Tue 03 Apr 2018, 14:27
by chriss

If you compete in your 4th generation mazda you will be the first in sweden :D
The “mx-5” class in Sweden is called roadsport C. You can read the exact details here:
Klass A: 3,3 kg/hk
Klass B: 5,3 kg/hk
Klass C: 7,3 kg/hk.
Within roadsport C we compete in a Mx5 cup and a standard class where the cars are quite strictly standard except for safety and minor changes. You can change pads, tyres and a few other things.
So there will be 20ish modified “spec miatas” on track and 10ish standard ones at the same time. This is a great wat to get started and don’t think the standard cars are at the back of the pack.
The 3rd generation mx-5 is limited to 205 tyres, you would be a first in the 4th generation and would likely be involved in setting the standard for the 4th generation.
To race you will need:
-a rollbar in compliance to the rules, fia seat, fia belts, emergency shutoff and vagnbok/log book to go with the car.
-A racing licens, fia underwear and overall, fia helmet, gloves and shoes.
- Plastic sheet for under the car in the pits, fire extinguisher and oil absorbent.
Cost are quite individual but a weekend racing is 3-4000kr for track fee + food, logging, wear and tear on the car. The races are spread over three days, usually Friday, Saturday Sunday.
Everyone is really friendly and helpful in the pits and we help each other. The goal is to get everyone on the starting line and beat each other on the track ;)
Shouldn’t really say this here but in Malmö have gentleman’s racing that is very similar. Cheaper and crammed into one day with lots of friendly faces.

Where are you situated? You are bound to be live close to someone that competes and can help you out.

Re: New member HELP

Posted: Mon 09 Apr 2018, 20:11
by TPR